
Declaration of City State Formation

Declaration of City State Formation implies the following:

  • Growing a network (web) of City-states across Europe,
  • Breaking ties with the EU,
  • Reformation of the nation-state,
  • Changing government type to an elective Monarchy in which the monarch holds significant (though not absolute) power,
  • Joining the Rome of Union and stability,

Growing a network of City-states across Europe

The city-state model is an alternative for:

  • a federal Europe,
  • the present day system in which the EU undermines national sovereignty,
  • old Republics created by revolutionaries,
  • a Europe of independent nation-states, if the EU would cease to exist, and
  • a Europe of rival Empires (like in the 18th and 19th century).

The city-state model is the best alternative because it enables a true Empire of the mind, not of land and gold. A Hellenic civilization, open to all.

Breaking ties with the EU

Poland should be the next country to leave the EU. Breaking all ties with the EU is the only way to regain independence. As compared to the United Kingdom and Brexit, Poland does not have to end up isolated. It can lead the way in creating a new, better union based on the Three Seas Initiative. This union should respect national sovereignty and not use financial control as a political instrument, for example for ideological reasons. It would be a union of economic and military cooperation, based on the threats and opportunities in the region.

Reformation of the nation-state

The nation-state concept is based on the idea that nations have the right for self-determination. In the present era, nationalism is mainly a reaction to globalization and fear of a one world government. CityState acknowledges the danger of a new world order but at the same time believes that the nation-state model is not capable to stop globalization. The power of supranational organizations, multinationals and tech giants is simply too great. Accordingly, the nation-state has to be reformed.

Changing government type to an elective Monarchy in which the monarch holds significant (though not absolute) power

We need to replace the parliamentary system run by career politicians by executive Monarchy based on the divine right of Kings and Queens. Effectively this would mean a return to the Middle ages, a time when there was a natural order in society. Reformation of the nation-state based on this consitutional change does not imply change of national borders, but it could be possible that a King may rule different lands, depending on the will of city-states. Personal union and inheritance of land may also change the situation.

In case of Poland, the most obvious choice is the return of the elective monarchy because this nation has a tradition. A hereditary monarchy, especially in a constitutional monarchy, may not reflect the will of the people. It could also turn decadent, a remnant of the distant past, and symbolic of the downfall of civilization. Whereas in an elective monarchy a King can be more easily replaced.

Joining the Rome of Union and stability

The new Rome is not a conventional empire. It is a military alliance of city-states with a common European history, and common traditions. It can be the host of a number of Kingdoms and supports the role of monarchy.

At the same time, the new Rome does resemble ancient Rome. It is convenient to have one center in the Empire. So the most obvious choice is the city of Rome. Greek (neo) city-states also play a critical role in creating a mult-ethnic coalition. In terms of religion, there is an opportunity to unite the Christian faith, but protestant countries tend to support the rising new world order.

The best direction to expand is Central and Eastern Europe, which has Christian roots and also experienced the Renaissance, in particular the revival of classical Greek and Roman culture. CityState believes it is time for new Renaissance, 2.0.

Figure 2: Three Seas Initiative excluding Finland, Italy and Greece