
End Times Ideology

Some people may call the present exciting times, but in reality we are dealing with the End Times, the Biblical prophesy based on the Book of Revelation. The signs are out there: the pandemic, disasters, war in Europe, etc. But there are more, less obvious signs. Over the past decades Society has changed. We have seen globalization, mass migration, climate change, new technologies. Furthermore, the woke agenda is now mainstream. It is politically correct now to speak out against injustice in the spirit of woke, which in turn has led to cancel culture. Organizations have changed, as the majority has become liberal. So corporations are part of the system. This evil and destructive system is not sustainable, so the elite has made the climate a key priority. The list goes on. Supranational organizations like the European Union continue to implement centralization at the expense of national sovereignty. If the trend will continue, a federal European Union is closer than ever.

Thanks to a priviliged position, CityState proposes a new Ideology, called End Times Ideology, that combines knowledge about the End Times with anti-globalization (causing alienation), anti-technological control (causing a dystopian future), and contra the ideology behind science (ironically scientists do not see Science as an ideology, but it is).

We are not pro-capitalism, rather capitalism-sceptic. We are neither socialist nor fascist.

Figure 4: The Cloisters Apocalypse, a small French illuminated manuscript dated c. 1330.