

Empire level laws:

  • Limit AI and machine learning (based on a code of ethics),
  • Limit Robotics (only for industrial benefits),
  • Forbid Genetic Engineering (there is only one God),
  • Forbid all professional sports (they are the biblical false heroes, the present day gladiator fights for the masses),
  • Forbid Laws that promote diversity (we are not equal but try to convince the socialist, woke liberal, conformist politician, politically correct coward),
  • Introduce Laws that divide people in classes, mainly to distinguish nobles from the rest (without compromise of Meritocracy),
  • Limit the medical profession, close unnecessary hospitals, and all non-obvious health care services, except first aid (ask for a priest not a doctor), and
  • End the space program (it does not make sense).

Figure 8: Alexander

We are a league of gentlemen. Gentlemen with different personalities. But we have one thing in common. We always rise to power, in times when they need us most. We are deeply affected by the fall of Constantinople, as we were unable to save the population. The fall of Rome is a deep wound in our soul from which we cannot recover. But this time we understand the meaning of Rome, including Hellenic civilization. Be prepared for civil wars and wars yet to come. On the one side there is evil trying to enslave mankind, and on the other side independent forces such as tyrants, dictators, and ideological fanatics. We are the third force in favour of historical justice, defeat of the beast system, and social order.

Figure 7: Polish Magnates